Introduction: A nice counter strike music video with music made up of gunshot sounds and animation of sticks with guns. Doesn't sound to amazing but this sure was.
Graphics: It was stick guys with helmets on and with redrawn counter stike weapons. Could it be any onther way? Try to imagine a Counter Strike flash that didn't have sticks. I know there is some but none of them are as good as these things. Of course it was complete with screen shots form the game itself.
[Graphics: 7/10]
Style: There are tons of counter strike movies and tons of music videos but how aften do you find a cs music video? Has there ever been such a thing? This was a nice stick flash. Now gun fire can actually be music to someones ears. Fantastic. There were some lost marks for alot of repedetedness(lol).
[Style: 7/10]
Sound: The sound was truly amazing, hats of the the guys who made it. I can only imagine how long this would have taken to find the right tune, rythme, and speed. It really does sound like a dozen guys beating their drums.
[Sound: 10/10]
Violence: It was an animation that used the sounds of weapons to make an amazing song. What better way then to put it in an animation with counter strike. The same guys died about a zillion times but thats all part of the song. It you have a been a butload batter with blood (of course) But was still pretty nice.
[Violence: 9/10]
Interactvity: There wasn't much interactivity, but had some buttons. Buttons are intarativity right? You have to click them.
[Interactivity: 3/10]
Humour: Wasn't much humor but what the hell, I felt that I should replace the humor spot with Originality. Well this really was Original. In all my hours of New Grounding, I have never seen something liket this. But there is quite an amount of CS animations.
[Originality: 8/10]
Overall: Very entertaining. From the great preloader, to the explosive ending, I recomend this flash for anyone who wants something new and I will be putting this in my favorites. It repeated a kazillion times and started to get edgy in the middle wondering if it would ever end but overall, a great effort.
[Overall: 9/10]